Our goal has always been to provide high quality training to our student. In order to garantee the international recognition of the training of our engineers, we announce that our Engineering School (EPI-Polytechnique) has just been accredited by the German organization of study programs ASIIN (Accreditation Agency for Degree Programs in Engineering, Informatics / Computer Science, the Natural Sciences and Mathematics).
Program Accreditation
EPI Polytechnique has succeeded in obtaining the following international recognitions and labels:
The ASIIN Subject-Specific Quality Seal : awarded by ASIIN, as an accrediting body, that we provide our engineering students with programs of study that meet the requirements of science and professional practice.
This label ensures that we offer a secure set of conditions for the success of our teaching and learning missions.
EUR-ACE®-Label (European Accreditation for Engineering) : awarded by ASIIN, in its capacity as a founding member of ENAEE (European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education), and which represents a guarantee of the internationally recognized scientific and academic quality of our engineering training program and its relevance to the practice of the engineering profession. This is all the more an additional criterion to facilitate access for our customers.
Euro-Inf® Label (Accréditation européenne des programmes d’informatique) :granted by ASIIN, as the first accreditation agency authorised to award this label on behalf of EQANIE (European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education), and which certifies that our computer science curriculum complies with internationally recognised standards for computer science education.
The computer engineering department at EPI-Polytechnique is honored by the acquisition of this label, especially since it is a first on a national scale.
Obtaining these labels and this international recognition of the quality of training we offer to our engineering students is an additional guarantee for them that they will have valuable assets during recruitment and promoting their academic and professional mobility. This is perfectly in line with our vision of excellence, which we have been following since the launch of our Group.
Certification ISO 9001 : version 2015
Because we aim to offer the best quality of service and because we make sure to meet international requirements, the EPI group announces that it has obtained the ISO 9001 version 2015 label (latest version to date).
This standard is based on the principles of quality management to satisfy students and ensure continuous improvement.
Our management and organizational system established in perfect coherence with the requirements of the ISO standard allows us to offer the best services to our students, parents, teachers, employees, companies and partner schools.
It is also a guarantee of the support and follow-up of students from registration to professional integration. This certificate is in addition to all the feats that our group has been able to achieve with the objective of guaranteeing the keys to success for our students as well as the development of our partnership relationships with schools, and universities,such as the Order of Engineers and Architects.