This training aims to train high value-added digital marketing experts capable of supporting companies in the changes inherent to their digital transformation while knowing how to manage, optimize and use data in their strategies.
Our ambition is to train the "marketers" of tomorrow, with both strong skills in the development of digital strategies, but also solid foundations for development.
By coupling data with mastery of digital marketing techniques, our students become well-rounded professionals with a transversal vision that meets the market's expectations in terms of digital skills applied to marketing. These digital marketing specialists will be able to adapt their strategy by exploiting data as finely as possible.
Objectives :
- Develop techniques for designing a successful digital marketing strategy;
- Develop skills related to data processing
For more information, please contact Mr Moez ZOUARI

- Inbound Marketing
- Marketing international
- Comportement du Cyberconsommateur
- Référencement des sites
- Stratégie d'entreprise
- Management d'un projet digital
- Développement web et référencement
- Infographie et Web Design
- Droit du commerce électronique
- Certification MOS
- Anglais des affaires
- Rédaction des contenus
- Publicité sur le Web
- E-Commerce et entreprise virtuelle
- Managemet des ressources humaines
- Management des Systèmes d'informations
- Analyse des données (SPSS)
- Introduction au Big Data
- Droit de la Propriété industrielle et commerciale
- Négociation commerciale
- Techniques de communication
- Anglais de la communication
- Marketing de l'innovation
- Marketing Mobile
- UX Design et ergonomie web
- Data Storytelling
- Google Analytics
- Data Analytics
- Elaboration d'un Business plan
- Management de la transformation digitale
- Management interculturel
- Public Speaking
- Anglais
- Mémoire de Stage de fin d’études