This training program is accredited.
In the electromechanical engineering, the EPI assures a formation to the polyvalent engineers who are able to analyse, conceive and optimise the operating industrial systems in the fields of electrical engineering and mechanical engineering.
This formation includes the essential concepts of mechanical engineering (material science sciences, computer assisted drawings, thermodynamics, mechanic of fluid, machines elements, dynamics of vibrations, mechanical fabrication , aeronautics, industrial production, etc.) and those of the electric engineering (measuring techniques, the circuits and the electrical and electronic components, the signals and the means to treat them, the modelling of devices and functions and the simulation of their reaction via computers , etc.).

Students of electromechanical engineering have the possibility to choose between options( dominant) in the 5th year like :
- Aeronautics
- Mechatronics and Automatics
- Industrial Maintenance
For an aeronautics formation, EPI is finalising the terms of a convention with a huge French school. One of the sections in this convention offers our students the possibility to accomplish their 5th year (study/ Internship) in France.
The EPI operates all in order to form multi-disciplinary engineers of higher quality in the fields of mechanics, aerodynamics, propulsion, automatics, and IT, that are able to conduct projects of complex systems in the field of aeronautics.
For more information, contact Mr. HABIB ABDENNAJI
- French
- English
- Mathematics for engineers
- Probability and Statistics
- Electrical circuits
- Analog electronics
- Fluid mechanics
- Materials & Structures
- Thermic
- French
- EnglishElectrotechnics
- Signal treatment
- CAO Electrical Systems
- Mechanical design 2
- Certification Preparation CAO1
- Mechanical engineering
- Manufacturing processes
- Metal Structures and Welding Processes
- Thermic machines
- Quality - Certification - Standards
- French
- English
- MOS Certification
- Servicing and regulation
- Modeling and management of electrical networks
- Mechanical design 3
- Certification Preparation CAO2
- Solid mechanics
- Manufacturing analysis
- Organization & Production Management
- Control & Reliability/GMAO
- French
- English
- Programmable controllers
- Robotics and Micro controller
- Sensor theory
- vibrations Mechanics
- Production techniques and CAM
- Hydraulic and pneumatic systems
- Lean manufacturing
- Scientific Project PFA
- human resources management HRM
- Law of work
- Preparation for certification in Entrepreneurship
- Volume mechanics
- General Avionics
- Radar theory
- Aeroacoustics
- Aerodynamics
- Combustion
- Structural mechanics
- Thermal modelling
- Turbomachinery & Turbulence
- Connected objects (IOT)
- Final Year Project (FYP)
- human resources management GRH
- Law of work
- Preparation for certification in Entrepreneurship
- General mechatronics
- Numerical modelling
- Mechanisms theory
- Robotic systems analysis
- Machine control
- Software for automation
- Modeling, Identification and Monitoring of systems
- Connected objects (IOT)
- Final Year Project (FYP)
- human resources management GRH
- Law of work
- Preparation for certification in Entrepreneurship
- Maintenance tools
- Repair techniques
- Safety of industrial installations
- Optimization of production systems
- Machine control
- Real-time automatic
- Connected objects (IOT)
- Final Year Project (FYP)
- For more information, download:
- Module sheets
- The objectives and skills of the sector