We are honored this year to receive about 400 new students who trust the Polytechnical School EPI-Polytechnique.
Strenghened by its 1000 students,by each speciality, the EPI-Polytechnique is placed again as a leader in a context of interraction and complementarity with the university, economical and social fields of the region.
We proudly hope that you engage yourselves with us on order to transform your school into a space for learning first of all , as well as for execellence and success.
In order to have your life guide in the EPI-Polytechnique, you will have a welcoming administrative and pedagogical team whose aim is to form engineers, assure the research activities applied and the transfer of technology.
Our pedagogical project include two main domains :
- Engineering, in Construction of Components and Systems (ECCS)
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Our programs are aggregated by the Ministery of Higher Education and were elaborated in a way so as to allow the student to construct his career through the different specialties of engineering.

Inscriptions / An
Universités internationales partenaires
Filières d'Ingénieurs
Ingénieurs diplômés
In order to provide international standard training, EPI-Polytechnique has entered into partnership agreements providing for the organization of a double degree course.