Masters EPI DS
Les Masters proposés à l’EPI-Digital School visent à répondre aux besoins des entreprises en…
Located on the Grand Campus of the EPI Group, spanning 12,000 square meters, this new school opened its doors at the start of the 2022/23 academic year.
New students can join either at the preparatory level for ICT and NT, at the Bachelor's level (IOT, Big Data, Software Engineering, Management Information Systems), at the Master's level (Digital Marketing, E-management), or at the Engineering level in INFO (Software Engineering, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, IOT & Robotic Programming, Virtual Reality & Game Engineering, Cloud and Networks).
This school is a continuation of the training strategy adopted by the EPI Group for several years to meet the skills needs of companies in the fields of digital technology and management.
It also aligns with the international recognition granted to the EPI Group through the specific EURO-INF label.
EPI DIGITAL SCHOOL is a modern six-story building with a covered area of 5,000 square meters, equipped with high-performance infrastructure in terms of connectivity, cabling, and high-speed internet (1 Gb/s). EPI DIGITAL SCHOOL is designed to train 1,600 students annually (in initial or work-study training and also in professional training). It includes 40 labs, a Data Center, a Pearson VUE Certification Center, a Mac Lab, an IOT Lab, a Gaming Lab, a reading room, and several multipurpose rooms equipped and adapted for digital education.
Join EPI DIGITAL SCHOOL, a school of the future that offers you the best opportunities in digital careers.
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