This training program is accredited.
Industrial engineering brings a global vision of the engineer’s activity in the enterprise to the interface between the sciences of the engineer, the economical science and the human and social science.
The industrial engineering formation has the purpose of forming innovative engineers who are active, performing and able to conduct interdisciplinary projects and find solutions to the encountered problems in the industrial world.

Industrial engineering students conceive, install and manage the integrated systems of production of goods and services opting for an optimal use of human resources and machines in order to improve productivity, effisciency and profitability of the industrial operations.
heir knowledge of the processing approaches allows them to be interlocutors at the level of managing compagnies as quality supervisor. This competence can be enlarged through the integration of security and environment aspects in the actual framework of SMI (Integrated Management Systems) or QSE systems(Quality, Security, Environment).
Through the process of creating offers, they are competent interlocutors inside the study offices to assure the needs and quality requirements of clients and the legal requirements and regulations.
They are equally competent in the different jobs that imply the quality of realising process of the offer : purchase quality, quality contrôle of products, client satisfaction client, leading the industrial optimisation …
For more information, contact Mr. Yassine DALLEL
- French
- English
- Organization of the company
- Mathematics
- Numerical analysis
- Probability and statistics
- Economy for the GI
- Industrial management
- SI in Automatic
- SI in Mechanics
- Industrial logistics
- French
- English
- Renewable energies
- Design of industrial systems
- Value analysis
- Industrial risk management
- Database
- Metrology and Instrumentation
- Materials sciences
- Thermal machines
- French
- English
- DOA in engineering
- Machining manufacturing process
- Operational research
- Management of information systems
- Production management
- Supply and inventory management
- Maintenance management
- Electric machine
- Preparing for MOS certification
- R&D and innovation management
- Quality Engineering
- Embedded computing
- Ergonomics
- Implementation of workshops
- PFA (end of year project)
- Entrepreneurship and ESB Certification
- Labor Law
- HRM (Human Resource Management)
- Project Management
- Industry 4.0
- ERP Odoo
- Simulation of Production Systems
- Lean Manufacturing
- Reliability and Safety
- Diagnosis of Production Systems
- Final Year Project (FYP)
- Labor law
- preparation for certification in Entrepreneurship
- Supply Chain Management
- Project management
- Industry 4.0
- ERP Odoo
- Simulation of production systems
- Lean Manufacturing
- Reliability and operational safety
- Diagnosis of production systems
- Final Year Project (FYP)
- For more information, download:
- Module sheets
- The objectives and skills of the sector