Every year the EPI welcomes an important number of international students coming from Gabon, Cameroun, Senegal, Morocco, Mauritania, France, Benin …
Our school, situated in Sousse, in the context of perfect studies, offers students a modern infrastructure, a formation of a high quality parallel to the international standars, the best labs and equipments in IT, electricity, electromechanics, mechanics, electrotechniques and civil.
The EPI provides a reception team work to the international students in order to help them and guide them through all the administrative documentations and to solve all the encountered problems during their formation.
For more informations, contact contact@episousse.com.tn

To be a resident in Tunisia, international students have to have a study visa from their native countries that include two main pieces:
- Inscription certificate
- Paiement certificate
The Admission jury fixes the number of places reserved to international students every year.
The candidate has tofill in his file (submission in the schooling service, send via mail or online inscription) and provide the compulsury documentations (copy from the first three pages of the passport, copy of du Bac and a copy of the recent marks certificate).
When it is accepted,the candidate has to present a certificate of allocation of a scholarship or to fulfill schooling expenses by banking transfer:
IBAN N° TN59 08 905 00009 10 00645 2 36
Agence BIAT Hammam Sousse Tunisie (au nom de « GFT »)