This training program is accredited.
The purpose behind this formation in the EPI-Polytech is to form future engineerswho are able to take responsibility for projects in the fields of software development, administration and security of networks. The graduate students are able to put plans for systems of architectures and to implement them in a heterogenous view, taking into consideration the rules of the inter-operability and evolution.
The orientation in IT proposes two options:
- Logistic engineering: It has the purpose of forming engineers who are able to conceive and construct innovative logistic solutions that cope with the needs of the compagny. Throughout their formation, engineers use transverse competences that can lead the computer science projects and also use professional and methodological competences in the field of logitic engineering. For example,: Management of IT project, development projects, Web and Mobile development, devices engineering, files and modals architecture, Human-Machine Interraction, User experience, decision-making IT, …
- Systems and Networks Engineering: It is a whole program that allows the graduate students to conceive, establish, configure and assure the maintenance of the compagny networks and to direct them and to find secure solutions within the standard norms
As a part of the general image of engineers in Tunisia, The offer of the EPI-Polytech is distinguished by:
- Its adequacy with the needs of the supermarket
- Its orientation towards the professional practice
- The high amount of supervision provided to students.
For more information, contact the PEDAGOGICAL ADVISER
- Advanced algorithms
- English 1
- English 2
- Data base
- Compilation
- Complexity of algorithms and graphs
- Web & Multimedia Development
- Advanced web development
- Foundation of networks
- French 1
- French 2
- Engineering Math 1
- Engineering Math 2
- Programming C
- Object oriented programming (Java)
- Inferential statistics
- Synthesis and numerical functions
- Advanced operating systems
- Network technology
- English 3
- Hybrid mobile development
- Software engineering
- Artificial intelligence
- Object modeling language (UML)
- Event programming
- Advanced OO programming (Java)
- Operational Research and Optimization
- Advanced Systems and Architectures
- Distributed Systems
- Communication techniques
- Anglais 3
- Développement mobile hybride
- Génie logiciel
- Intelligence artificielle
- Langage de modélisation objet (UML)
- Programmation événementielle
- Programmation OO avancée (Java)
- Recherche Opérationnelle et Optimisation
- Systèmes et Architectures avancées
- Systèmes Répartis
- Techniques de communication
- Administration de bases de données
- Administration des systèmes
- Anglais 4
- Développement personnel
- Entrepreneuriat
- Frameworks de programmation 1
- Ingénierie des protocoles
- Préparation à la CCNA Partie 1
- Réseaux sans fils
- Virtualisation & Cloud Computing
- Team leadership and leadership
- Big data
- Business Intelligence
- Advanced .Net Development (ASP MVC)
- Native mobile development 2
- Labor law and engineering ethics
- Finance for engineers
- Advanced user interfaces
- Information Systems Security
- SOA and Cloud
- Old technology
- Administration des services réseaux
- Animation d’équipes et leadership
- Big Data
- Droit du travail et éthique de l’ingénieur
- Évaluation des performances
- Finance pour les ingénieurs
- Frameworks de programmation 2
- Préparation à la CCNA Partie 2
- Réseaux et technologies d’accès
- Réseaux nouvelles générations
- Sécurité et Audit des réseaux
- Veille technologique